Thomas Virnich
Flying catacombs
18.10.2001 -
“All things that we invent tell of the essence and being of their creator. I want to appropriate the world in my incompleteness. The world becomes manageable as my little planet. I create a reality for myself. My work is unsuitable: it doesn't drive, sound or fly. Nevertheless: The distance between mine and the suitable objects enables me to take a position and lead a freer life." (Thomas Virnich, 1983)
For the sculptor Thomas Virnich (born 1957 in Eschweiler) the world is a wonderful reservoir of possibilities for sculptures. Often found objects trigger ideas. They then themselves become part of the process of processing, revaluation, construction and destruction in the creation of the complex plastic construction. Thomas Virnich's "Flying Catacombs" lure the viewer into a labyrinth of subjective associations. This is where the familiar and the previously hidden meet. The bottom is turned on top. However, the bottom and top form a unified whole, are connected in many ways. The world stands not head, the observer just changes perspective.
Thomas Virnich. Fliegende Katakomben
Edited by Volker Rattemeyer, 2001
Text germ./engl.: Volker Rattemeyer
126 p.; numerous illustrations, Softcover
Verlag für moderne Kunst
ISBN 3-933096-55-3
24.00 Euro